Do you see this face? This is my happy face!!! Wanna know why? Because today I woke up only to hear mommy tell me that we were going to the Children's Museum in Jackson, but it gets even better....Mrs. Meaghan, Mary Reeves & Murphy are meeting me there.

As of late, I have learned a lot of new words. I believe my mommy told you something about that in a previous blog post, so I'll spare you the details and just convey the obvious...I'M TALENTED when it comes to spelling words. Currently MR and I are putting together a "triple word score" word. So this is my OFFICIAL SCRABBLE GAME CHALLENGE Aunt Jordan.....BRING IT.

Let me introduce you to my boyfriend (but don't tell my dad), Murphy. I think he's cute...don't you? As for that lady in the picture wearing the princess hat, if you see her, tell her that is my hat as I prepare to be Murphy's princess.

This is me and MR playing with the water cannons. Go ahead and be jealous because let's be honest...you were at work all day and we were here playing. WE WIN!!

Can you tell what I'm doing here? Good, me neither but I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure it out. When someone figures it out send me a text or hit me up on facebook.

Here we are working on being steamboat captains. Why would we need to know how to do drive a steamboat? 3 words...Anchor Ball - Memphis.

This is me embracing my inner Picasso...

Let's be honest, my daddy is a minister and he isn't ever going to be wealthy. So I figure the only way I'm ever going to get a big diamond is to go search for it myself. MR agreed and thought she might pick one up since I was already heading that way.

This is my "Oops, I just did something bad and I hope no one saw it" face. I'll tell you what I did when I turn 18.

We were working so hard on these gears!!! You can tell if you look really closely....see??? Both of us have our tongues sticking out because we were concentrating so hard!!!

To quote Tupac, "Picture me rollin'." (disclaimer...my daddy taught me this quote because my mom was not listening to music like this back in da day)

So that was my day "at the office." It's tough being me but, hey, someone's gotta do it. I'll check in with you next weekend from Starkville. I'll be there for Super Bulldog Weekend where I'll be "grindin for MY STATE."
One of my favorite posts ever! It looks like you guys had a great time. Tell EK that it is ON in Scrabble!