Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Beginnings of a Super Weekend

Psssssst....I've got a secret. I got to Columbus to begin the "Super Bulldog Weekend" festivities and it took me about 2 seconds to start running things around Columbus. I'm telling you, this grandparent thing really is working out well for me. I just point, smile (see pic above for an example) and say what I want and it appears. For example, below is me with Pop. I said "up" and what da ya know...he picked me up.

Now, if I could be so bold as to ask you to SLOW DOWN, don't immediately skip to the pictures, and listen to me. I promise to be brief but I feel compelled (yes, I said compelled. I watch Baby Einstein) to impart some wisdom that I have learned in my 22 months of life.

People find themselves rushing to do this, hurrying to do that, and late for the next task on their never ending agenda and I understand this. I hurried to flip over, rushed to crawl, hustled to walk and before you know it will find myself potty training, learning Spanish, and writing my first novel appropriately named "Party at my Crib." The list never ends, but we must never forget that (if I may be so bold as to use a Scriptural concept) tomorrow is not promised to anyone. We are to live fully in the today and make the most of these moments. So tomorrow, don't forget to "Stop and Smell the Roses." And if it's been so long that you don't even remember what that looks like anymore, I've provided some pictures below to serve as an example. Notice the smile that it brought to my face...I hope it does the same for you.

Speaking of putting a smile on your face, let me send my Congratulations to Chandler Lee Harris. Most people will congratulate the mom, dad, grandma & grandpa but I remember that day not so long ago. It's no picnic for us either so, Chandler, welcome to the free world. It's not as warm but it's nice and you can stretch your legs. Now, get on a plane and come to Super Bulldog Weekend. Maroon/White game is at 5. I expect to see you there. I'll have a cowbell waiting for you.

Much love to all,
Ella Kate (with some help from daddy =) )

1 comment:

  1. Super fun post! I love it! Also, EK's dress is the cutest thing that I have ever seen. Love you guys!
