Friday, June 29, 2012

An Interview with a 3 Year Old

How old are you? 3
What makes you happy? when I do what God says
What is your favorite thing to do? play
What is your favorite thing to eat? yogurt
What is something you don't like to eat? sandwiches
What is your favorite animal? giraffe
What is your favorite Bible story? the baby in the basket
What is your favorite TV show? Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse
What are you really good at? writing my name
What is your favorite movie? Mickey Mouse
What is your favorite color? purple and pink
What is your favorite song? ABC's
Who is your best friend? brother
What do you and mommy do together? play legos
What do you and daddy do together? swing
What do you and Walker do together? hold hands
What is your favorite sport? tennis (I have no idea where this even came from!!!!)
Where is your favorite place to go? to ballet
What is your favorite book? Bible stories and Madeline
What do you want to be when you grow up? teacher

***I saw this idea on Meaghan's blog and had to steal it! Thanks Mea!!!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! We have to do these interviews every year now so we can remember these precious ages! Hope y'all have an awesome weekend with your fam, celebrating the b-day and wedding! :)
