Sunday, June 3, 2012

Walker's Newborn Pictures

We went to Columbus this weekend to have Walker's newborn pictures taken by our precious friend Kelly Hayes. We always have fun just visiting and catching up and the pictures are always amazing!! Thank you Kelly for spending the day with us and for taking such sweet pictures of my babies!!!


And here is another one of our "babies."  This is Kelly's beautiful daughter Emily.  I call her one of our babies because she was one of our very first students when J began doing ministry in Columbus.  Em was in the 8th grade when we started there, and she was a part of my small group for several years.  She was in our wedding, and has just been a special friend for a long time! Emily just finished up at State (which makes me feel so very old) and we are so proud of her! We are even more proud of the woman of God that she is.  She is an incredible young woman and I would love nothing more than for my Ella Kate to take after her Emmy!!! We love you Em!


  1. Love all these pics from both kiddos!!! Worth the all day photo session!

  2. These are great!!! By the way, you look stunning!!!
