Monday, August 25, 2014

Wild Man Takes on the Preschool

Today, Walker had his first day of preschool. We have talked and talked and talked about this day and all he would be doing for a while now, and he was super excited this morning. 

J and I both took him through the carpool line (as suggested by the teacher)  He was a little unsure since he didn't know the teacher who got him out of the van but his tears quickly turned to a giant grin when he saw one of my friends by the door. She said he grinned from ear to ear all the way down the hall. His teacher emailed me and said he was a "champ" today and did great all morning. He was so stinking cute when I picked him up and said "I had good day Mama."  He said his favorite parts were the cookies and the playground except that it was so hot. Thankful for a good day for my little guy!

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