Tuesday, November 12, 2013

From the phone

So here are our latest happenings as seen through my iPhone....

EK went to the dentist for a check up...and not just any dentist...MY pediatric dentist!!! Dr. Simmons has been practicing dentistry for 51 years!!!!  It was so sweet to watch the way he interacted with EK and there is something that is just comforting about the fact that the office has not changed at all...blue carpet, wood paneling and all!!! Dr. S did however update his toy wall....I mean, a crown, wand, and a name brand Ariel toothbrush?!?!?!
We got to hang out with our besties the Blairs and Laysons and a special treat was the Rays were in town, so the girls got to play with Vera Kate too!!!! A HUGE mess was made and a grand time was had by all!
Cousin lovin...these 2 are so sweet together.  JD is GREAT with Walker as well.
The weather has been perfect for playing at the park.  EK, Anne Marie and Ruthie decided to give makeovers under the playground equipment instead of playing.  Whatever.
Mom took the kids to Papaws, so J, Haley, Robert and I hit up the bowling alley....living it up like we were in jr high! We had a fun time hanging out together and all pretty much decided not to quit our day jobs to take up professional bowling!
Walker was obsessed with Robert's boots.  Poor little guy had a hard time balancing/standing/walking in those size 15s!
Football is serious...too bad the Bulldogs stink!
J and I went to see Jackson Prep do Les Mis and oh my word...that was incredible! They did a fabulous job and I was blown away by them!
Yesterday, my sweet friend Sarah invited a group over to her house to help the kids make blessing bags to keep in our cars to give to the homeless.  It was such a neat thing to do and opened up a lot of conversations with the kids about loving and serving as Jesus did and also about being thankful for all we have been blessed with.  

Here are my two little stinkers before school this morning.  It pretty much is a miracle that Walker actually was still for this to happen.
And this has happened at our house.  Yes, I realize it is the 12th of November.  I don't care. =)

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