Thursday, May 10, 2012

Walker's Birthday

I am still in shock that I am already writing this post! Tuesday, May the 8th started out as what seemed like a normal day. Ella Kate and I went to preschool, ate lunch and had our normal nap time. J was at work at the church preparing for Wednesday night activities. After nap time, Ella Kate and I were just playing in her room, reading some books when I sneezed. Well....that's all it took and my water broke...all over the place!!! I called J and he rushed home. I called my doctor and they told me to head to the emergency room. So, on our way we called our parents and a friend to come and get Ella Kate. Once they confirmed that indeed it was "go time" the doctor did an ultrasound to see the baby's position. Thanks to my awesome heart shaped uterus, Walker was breech and wedged in there pretty comfortably. On to the OR for a little c section. It was a very surreal experience, but all went beautifully and within a short amount of time, we had our perfect baby boy. We are beyond blessed!!

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