Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Happy Birthday, Walker!

What is your name:  Walker
How old are you: 6
What are your nicknames:  Bubba, Walkie
What makes you happy:  when mama and daddy take me out to dinner
What makes you sad:  when EK makes me leave her room 
What is your favorite color: maroon and white....fight, fight, fight
What is your favorite food: pretzels and Nutella
What is your least favorite food:  hamburgers 
What is your favorite TV show:  Ocean Mysteries and Catching Monsters
What is your favorite movie: Descendants
What is your favorite song: Lion and the Lamb
What is your favorite animal: crocodile 
What is your favorite Bible story: I don't have a favorite. They are all so good. 
What do you like to do with mama: play cars
What do you like to do with daddy: ride bikes
What do you like to do with EK: play legos
What do you like to do with Em: ice skate 
What is your favorite sport: coach pitch
Where do you like to go: the fire station
Who are your best friends: Jack W and Jack A
What is your favorite book: Shark Encyclopedia 
What do you want to be when you grow up: a vet during the week and a fire fighter on the weekend 
What are you excited about doing while you are 6: getting to stay up later

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