Monday, December 31, 2018

Merry Christmas

The kids were tickled to see that their requests for electronics were fulfilled on Christmas morning🙄🙄🙄. Now on to the fun part of regulating the usage of said electronics😳😳😳. We played for a bit at home before heading over to my parents for brunch.
So, so great to have both of my sisters home for Christmas!
The original 5.
For the last month, the kids have rehearsed  a Christmas play. They created the costumes, made hand drawn programs, and worked so hard to be able to share the Christmas story with our family. They knocked it out of the park and did an incredible job!
They rest of the day looked much like this.  Games, legos, puzzles and playing! 
And with this, my 25th post of the day, I have successfully recapped 2018 with 1 hour and 40 minutes left before midnight! That said, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I'll see you in 2019!!! 

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