Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Celebrating EK!

Nine years old.....what in the world!  Our sweet first born has grown into a young lady and it is such an amazing thing to witness. Her birthday this year fell during summer intensive. We went back and forth as to what she would like to do to celebrate and she concluded that she wanted her friend Claire to come home with her from dance, go swimming, and then go to dinner. So that's exactly what we did!

EK, you are so worth celebrating not just one day a year, but every single day. You have such a sweet and compassionate spirit and have a heart of service. You are a thinker  and you feel things deeply. You have had to learn to be brave, honest and vulnerable. You are wise beyond your years...and old soul for sure. I write each day on your lunch box napkin the same words to close each note.  Love God.  Be kind. Be you. Choose joy. I pray those words take root in your heart and mind and that you live in to them. 

As always, a little Birthday interview to close things out....
1) What is your name: Ella Kate Nelson
2) What is your nickname: EK
3) What makes your happy: dancing and being with friends
4) Where do you like to go: the pool, Barnes and Noble, the library, school, dance studio
5) What is your favorite food : biscuits
6) What is your least favorite food: chocolate
7) What is your favorite animal: elephant and owl
8) What is your favorite Bible story: the one where he dies to save us
9) What is your favorite tv show: dance shows and cooking shows
10) What is your favorite movie: Brave
11) What are you really good at doing: dancing
12) What is your favorite color: blue
13) What is your favorite song: This is Me
14) Who is your best friend: Sienna and Claire
15) What do you like to do with mama: just be with her
16) What do you like to do with daddy: go on walks
17) What do you like to do with Walker: play games
18) What do you like to do with Emma: play games
19) What is your favorite sport: ballet
20) What is your favorite book: The Secret Garden
21) What do you want to be when you grow up: speech therapist
22) What was the best part of being 8: 3rd grade
23) What is your favorite thing about school: learning things we need to know for the rest of  our lives
24) What are you excited about in 4th grade: trapper keeper and switching classes
25) What are you afraid of: hurricanes and death
26) What makes you mad: Walker and Emma when they are annoying
27) Where do you want to go to college: MSU
28) If  you had one wish, What would it be: that everyone would know about Jesus
29) If you had a million dollars, what would you do: give it to people who need it
30) If there was anything you ever wanted, what would it be: that everyone would have a home and know about Jesus 

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