Thursday, November 5, 2015

Life Lately

Walker absolutely loves preschool!  It's really no surprise that he loved it when the fire truck and farm animals all came to visit in the same week!
EK had a fire truck visit as well but the highlight of her week was that her class won the box top collection for the month. This bunch is super competitive so it's a really big deal!
J and Emma made a quick trip to Columbus for shots one day. Shots aren't so bad when you get to meet up with friends afterwards!
This is what I woke up to one Saturday...three monkeys jumping and squealing in the bed!
J's parents came a couple of weekends ago to get our yard in order one last time before the cold weather hits. Walker got to help with the mowing and was pretty excited about it.
What is it about pig tails??? There is just not much cuter!!
They don't look alike at all!
We did a little singing in the rain. It's been so long since we have seen the rain!  It was a welcomed sight for sure but now it can go! We haven't been able to go outside at school in forever and the natives are beyond restless!!!
These sweet BFFs are enjoying our little carpool arrangement where they get to have a mini play date each week before class. 
This guy. He got an official preschool apron and all is right in the world. If we are at home, he is wearing it! As a bonus, thanks to his toy bull horn, he can now call everyone's carpool numbers just like the teachers at school.....and he does it all the time!
Hey, granny! 
EK went to a precious bday party for one of her sweet friends from school. Pjs, pancakes and art projects made for a perfect morning with friends!
I couldn't help but pull up the pictures from Halloweens past. 
Crazy how fast time flies! They will be going off to college in no time!
Walker's class had a fall festival at school. He loved riding in the wheelbarrow and getting a pumpkin. He also had a ball wearing his Dak gear for the parade. 
Ella Kate was named a "Super Pat" for the month. The character trait focus was "Individuality". She is definitely her own person!  Each student got a special CFA lunch and J was able to be her lunch date. We are so proud of our Super Pat!!!
In other news...we got an offer on our house and accepted it! YAY! Then......the people broke the contract a week later.  Bummer! So, we wait again. If you happen to know of anyone who would like our cute little house in NE Jackson or if you know anyone who buys properties for rental property investments...please send them our way!! We already found the perfect house that we love, so it's been a sad week for me!  I had already moved in in my mind so I've spent the week trying to adjust my attitude and focus on the positives!
We have a low key weekend ahead of us. I can't believe it is November!  Is this weekend too early to pull out the Christmas decorations?!?!

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