Saturday, May 29, 2010

11 Months Old

Happy 11 months Ella Kate! It is crazy to think that in one month we will be celebrating her first birthday!!!! So, what is Ella Kate up to these days? She can stand on her own. She won't take any steps yet, but she is super close. She points at everything and "says" it's name. Her favorite words are duck, ball, dog, bow, book, mama, and daddy. She is on the go constantly. She loves her little push toy that she can walk with. It also can be let down and you ride it like a car. She thinks that is awesome. The laundry basket is a favorite toy as well. She LOVES her baby doll and hugs her and pats her on the back. She rocks her baby and kisses her. It is precious!!! She is not a huge fan of table food, but she does like Nutri Grain bars and Multi-Grain Cheerios. The Toddler Mum Mums are her favorite as well. She is such a loving baby and she gives super hugs. When she hugs, she rubs on our backs. It is something I want to always remember. So, happy 11 month birthday my little peanut!!!!

On a side note, J and the group have made it to El Salvador and checked in to their hotel for the night. They will head home tomorrow!!! YEAH!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Ella Kate's first birthday! It is going to be here before we know it! She is such a sweet baby. I can't get over how adorable it is when she "loves" her baby dolls. I also love the little dance that she does whenever she hears music or even just a beat. I love that little girl!
